Why Job Seekers Need a Great Elevator Pitch

January 18, 2022
Job Seeking


Trying to catch people’s attention when you are a job seeker can be tough. Prospective employers are often rushed and won’t necessarily have the time to listen to the benefits of hiring you. Without the right pitch, you risk losing their attention.

That’s why you need an elevator pitch. Here we’ll take a look at what an elevator pitch is and why you need one to get your dream job. Let’s get started!


The term elevator pitch essentially means a short statement about a particular idea. They are often associated with trying to get interest in business ideas but can be great for networking too. They help grab someone’s attention and give all the important information in a short period.

The name comes from the fact that they should be delivered in a similar time that it would take to ride an elevator. They need to be straight to the point with no filler. So, how do you create one?


Due to their time-sensitive nature, an elevator pitch needs to be specific. If you're applying for a certain type of role then you don't want your speech to be too generalized. You need to showcase exactly what you can bring to that industry.

If you're open to different types of roles, then you could even have different elevator pitches depending on who you're speaking to. To make it as effective as possible, you need to go in with a plan.


At the start of your pitch, you need to grab their attention. This can be done in a number of ways such as with a dramatic statement or a rhetorical question. An example could be "I bet a graphic designer with motion design skills could provide you with some new capabilities."

Another way is with a dramatic and confident statement such as “I am a strong fit for this position and here’s why”. Never be afraid to be confident as many prospective employees are often shy when applying for jobs.


After you’ve grabbed their attention, you need to spark their curiosity. Back up your opening line with a solid statement of what you can bring. To our sales example above, you could follow with “I’m an expert in getting sales using a range of unique methods”.

Once you’ve delivered your opening lines, they are much more likely to listen to the rest of your pitch. You don’t want to come off as arrogant or overbearing but be confident and unafraid to talk about your qualities.


To finish your pitch, you briefly want to explain exactly what you can bring to the company. Once you’ve detailed your level of expertise, it’s time to close the deal. A business card is a great way to do this as it’s clean and instant.

Giving a number can lead to being rebuffed, and them saying "contact my office" may mean you're forgotten about. You can slip them a business card and say "I know you won't want to make any decisions on the spot, but here's my card - I'd love to hear back from you".


If you’ve struck the right tone and they liked your pitch, there’s a good chance they’ll want even more of your time. This means that your elevator pitch may turn into a full pitch. In this case, you’ll want to have your resume finalized and be able to answer any questions.

An elevator pitch is a great way to get your foot in the door but you need to tread a fine line and not come across as too much. It's always good to practice your pitch with friends and family so you can deliver it with little effort when needed.